

GSPE 5703 |协作与IEPs导论* | 3学分| 8周

This course is designed to prepare special education majors with the theoretical and re搜索 knowledge and the skills of consultation, working on teams with other professionals and collaborating with parents and professionals and community members who work with learners with special needs. This course provides participants with the skills needed to communicate with other professional community members who work with learners with special needs. It encompasses communication in the schools and with the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Instructional Support Teams (IST), 包括与家人和其他专业同事合作时使用的协作模式. 特别关注的是肯定多样性和道德的项目目标. 学生将准备管理特殊教育的文书工作, 同时培养与父母/监护人合作准备文件的技能和倾向. 本课程还包括25小时的实地调查.

GSPE 5700 |全纳教育哲学| 3学分| 8周

本课程涵盖特殊教育的发展.g.(历史、法律、社会和政治方面). Attention is given to deconstructing disability in order to better understand the impact of policy decisions on educational practices. 关注社会对教与学的假设的自我探索. 多元学习者的特点, 包括不同学术背景的学生, 多元文化学生, 学习英语的学生, 所有13种残疾类别的学生都将接受审查. Provides exploration into the ways schools can stimulate the growth of responsive inclusive practices for all students with disabilities.

GSPE 5011 |响应式编程技术| 3学分| 8周

本课程探讨数位科技作为促进所有学生学习的工具. Students will explore the use of technology as "mind tools" to stimulate and engage student interest and participation in learning; students also consider the use of technology and adaptive technology to scaffold learning for all students. 这门课的特点是硬件, 软件, 这是当今学校的典型网络, 包括智能板, 相机, 数据投影仪, 办公室的包, 内容特定的软件, 基于web的查询和协作多媒体项目, 以及课堂上使用的各种辅助技术设备以及如何支持学习者使用这些设备. 关注为低发病率残疾学生提供的设备和服务, 以及使用at设备获取通识教育课程. 学生将考虑新兴技术的问题和机会, 强调媒体素养和利用技术进一步提高素养的机会. 运用他们所学的研究方法, 学生收集数据并分析结果,以进一步了解技术的影响.

GSPE 6731 |面向高残疾学生的响应式编程** | 3学分| 8周

This course provides responsive instructional practices for meeting the learning goals of students with high-incidence disabilities, 包括自闭症. It includes evidence-based practices for providing access to grade level curriculum to students with mild/温和的 disabilities. Outcomes include developing prescriptive individual educational plans for assisting students in mastering common core standards (integrating technology, 适应课程, 计划住宿). 认证学生应完成并记录25小时的现场经验与本课程*.

GSPE 5702 |具有挑战性需求的学生行为编程| 3学分| 8周

This course introduces the effective use of applied behavior analysis to develop behavior programs for students exhibiting challenging problem behaviors, 包括钢筋的使用, 加固表, 任务分析, 还有观察能力. It provides insights into issues of ecological considerations and environmental control to prevent student behavior problems (e.g. 消除故障, 修改教学和材料, 社交技能训练, 管理策略的运用). It focuses upon the creation of appropriate assessment devices to assist in the development of comprehensive behavior support program for students exhibiting a range of aggressive behaviors in a variety of delivery settings, 还包括全系统范围内防止暴力和破坏的努力.

GSPE 6745 |特殊教育高级评估| 4学分| 8周

本课程以评估为中心,作为特殊教育教师的多方面工具. Course material will focus upon varying roles and best practices of assessment in the special education process across all 13 federal disability classifications. 参与者将检查并执行IDEA评估程序(转诊前干预), 筛选, 资格的决定, 规范的决策), 以及创造使用适当的评估来推动课堂教学的能力. 参与者将根据参照标准/参照标准的测试结果作出决定, 非正式/正式的课堂评估, 标准化和非标准化评估, 并学习如何调整评估技术以适应中度和重度残疾的学生. 本课程将侧重于使用技术来管理,并提供获取投入和产出的途径. 另外, 他们将确定适当的测试修改和/或提供替代评估实践(真实评估), 以成长为基础的评估)针对有各种不同需求的学生:多重缺陷, 物理障碍, 行为障碍, 认知障碍, 神经系统损伤, 或者沟通缺陷. 最后的, 学生将离开这门课程的能力作出决定,关于NYS替代评估过程, 以及为有相关需求的学生解读和传达诊断性/规范性评估.

GSPE 6743 |规范与协作团队应用** | 3学分| 8周

有效的合作对于满足残疾学生的需求至关重要, 对中度和重度残疾人尤其重要. 本课程探讨了在设计中发挥作用的专业知识, 并有效地实施, 为残疾学生提供适当的响应性节目, particularly those with multiple/severe disabilities; issues related to cooperation across agency and institutional boundaries; training and managing paraprofessionals; collaborative/ teaming practices for delivering instruction; team leadership; and involving parents and caretakers; special consideration is given to how a child with a disability impacts the family structure. 申请特殊教育初始认证的学生必须完成25小时的实地工作*.

GSPE 6741 |面向低发病率残疾学生的响应式编程*** | 3学分| 8周

This course provides responsive instructional practices for meeting the learning goals of students with 温和的/severe disabilities. It also includes evidence-based practices for providing access to grade level curriculum to students with complex and involved needs. Outcomes include developing prescriptive individualized educational plans for mastering common core standards (适应课程, 辅助和自适应技术, 计划住宿). 认证学生应完成并记录25小时的现场经验与本课程*.

GEDU 5901 |内容区阅读| 3学分| 8周

本课程介绍了科学阅读的技巧和策略, 社会研究, 和数学. 重点是通过阅读来学习. 主题将包括准备学生阅读内容区域文本和行业书籍, 理解叙事和说明文, 在阅读时决定什么是重要的, 整理收集到的信息, 将阅读与其他科目结合起来, 评估学生的学习. 学生将开发一系列教学策略,以支持学生在阅读中学习, 以及支持对共同核心标准的掌握.

GSPE 5665 |语言学习障碍| 3学分| 8周

This course focuses upon the cognitive development associated with language development through multiple stages and across various disabilities and non-disabling conditions. Participants will review current theories on language development and acquisition in children to establish a background in how language and its development are impacted and impact academic and social development. 主题将包括处理, 存储, 以及符号信息的检索, 以及在最广泛的学习者中诊断和纠正元语言困难的评估措施, 包括那些轻度, 温和的, 严重或多重残疾.

GSPE 6730/40 |轻度残疾/重度残疾研究导论| 3学分| 8周

This course is designed to introduce students to the process of critically reviewing literature related to re搜索 in special education. Students will conduct a review of the re搜索 in an area of interest related to special education in preparation for the Master’s Thesis or Project. 主题将包括定量和定性研究设计. Assignments provide opportunities to prepare for the Literature Review which will become Chapter Two of the Master’s Thesis or Project.

GSPE 7712/13 |硕士论文/项目| 2学分| 8周

本课程是特殊教育硕士论文或专题研究要求的两门研究课程中的第二门. 完成本课程后, 学生将为论文研究或项目研究撰写并完善前三章或五章. 学生将以现有知识为基础, skills and dispositions gained from the introduction re搜索 course in order to further their understanding of the current re搜索, 完善自己的研究重点, 并设计一个研究或项目,将满足硕士论文或项目的标准.

GSPE 7710 |学生教学与学生教学研讨会* | 3学分| 8周

This course consists of a student teaching practicum (which will run for approximately 7 weeks) and a weekly seminar class which parallels your student teaching practicum. 每周的研讨会必须与每个学生的实习预先确定的时间框架相结合.

**25 hours of fieldwork/OPE (Observation Participation Experience) accompany this course for Initial and Severe Track students


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扫盲教育硕士.Ed. -在现有认证的基础上,充分利用对扫盲专家日益增长的需求, 进行扫盲教育, M.Ed. 来自美高梅mgm平台.
学校心理学硕士.S. -美高梅mgm平台的学校心理学硕士课程帮助学生评估, 诊断, 治疗儿童和青少年, 与家长和老师协商.
成人和研究生招生- 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792(免费)- AGE-招生@罗伯茨.edu